Sunday, March 2, 2014

SSD for R in the classroom: Student projects

We are about a third of the way through the Spring semester here in balmy NYC, yet spring seems nowhere to be found!

We have, however, found that our students' projects for the semester are shaping up to be quite interesting.  We thought we'd give you a sample of what they are planning on working on so you can get a sense as to what sorts of single-subject evaluations are going on in our Master's-level classes:

  • One student is doing her placement in a partial hospitalization program that provides services for individuals with eating disorders.  She is going to be examining a clients' compliance with following her meal plan.
  • Another student is going to be working with a young adult client to adapt to life after removal of a significant portion of her intestine due to ulcerative colitis.  This includes getting used to an ostomy bag.
  • Another student, who works with special needs elementary school students, will be using SSD for R to track a client's impulsive behaviors.
  • Finally, another student, who provides marital counseling, will use SSD for R to track both positive and negative interactions in a couple at-risk for divorce. 
We could go on and on, but we will all have to wait and see what our students come up with as the semester unfolds.  We will be sure to share some of our students' work with you later in the semester, with their permission, of course!

In the meantime, feel free to check out our website at, and feel free to e-mail us with any comments or questions.

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