Wednesday, June 25, 2014

New version of SSD for R is available

We wanted to let you know that the latest and greatest version of SSD for R is now available for download from CRAN:  Version 1.4.5

What's different about this version?  We fixed a BUG in the d-index.

This actually means, not only a correction to the Effectsize() function, but also a correction to an error in SSD for R:  An R Package for Analyzing Single-System Data.

On page 56, we display the effect size for Jenny's yelling.  With a slightly incorrect formula, we OVERESTIMATED the value for the d-index.  We initially reported a value of 2.011, but you will see below, with the correction, the actual value is 1.947.

The actual percentage change was very small, but we like precision!

And speaking of effect sizes, we will give you something to look forward - we will be adding Hedge's g to the next version of SSD for R, which will be up on CRAN at the end of July.

Finally, check out the home page of our website at:  We are showing off the new cover of our book and provide you with links to where you can purchase it!

As always, feel free to contact us on our website:

We like hearing from all of you!

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